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Legal Services

Our legal services can be generally broken down into three main areas: TECHNOLOGY & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, and COMMERCIAL LITIGATION. While those are distinct disciplines, it is important to note that oftentimes the experiences our Firm’s attorneys have in one area crosses over to the other. For example, oftentimes commercial litigation involves complex corporate issues that our corporate attorneys become an important resource. More often than not, commercial litigation also involves litigation over intangible assets that are protected by various forms of intellectual property.

There is crossover in that regard as well. One of the Firm’s most significant practice areas is litigation that involves business disputes involving intellectual property. Having litigators that have both deep litigation experience coupled with an expansive level of knowledge in intellectual property and corporate affairs can be crucial to achieving success. For more detail about our services, click on the following: TECHNOLOGY & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, or COMMERCIAL LITIGATION.

Technology & Intellectual Property

Commercial Litigation